The Importance of Using an SEO Company Like Status Labs to Build Your Business

You have probably heard the terms SEO and PR thrown around in relationship to building and maintaining a business, but you may not be clear on exactly what the responsibilities of each are or the differences between the two. There can be some overlap between SEO and PR responsibilities, but each is a particular niche, and to get the best results, you want to hire someone who is experienced in their field.
Responsibilities of an SEO Company
An SEO company is responsible for creating content that results in high rankings on Google, Bing, and other search engines. The high rankings are the result of the search engine determining that the page is relevant to the searcher’s request, not the result of a paid ad or promotion.
Responsibilities of a PR Company
A public relations company helps an individual or business develop a positive reputation in the community. Depending on the reach, this could be locally, regionally, nationally, or even internationally. There are a variety of ways that public relations firms can influence the perception of their clients. These include using traditional media, personal appearances, and social media. There are PR firms that specialize in working with individuals and businesses who need crisis management.
How a Company Can Benefit From Working With an SEO Professional
A company can have an excellent product or offer superior service and still fail to stand out in the marketplace. There is so much competition for consumers today that it is a challenge to set yourself apart from others. Using an SEO company will help your business become top of mind with potential customers.
An experienced SEO company, such as Status Labs, understands that quality SEO includes many factors. Focusing on only one aspect will not give you the results that you hope for. When working with Status Lab, you can count on a well-rounded approach to SEO. The SEO process includes:
- a focus on content. An experienced SEO company will drill down to the essential points of your business and create content that makes that front and center. It will determine the industry-specific keywords necessary to drive your webpage to the top of search engine rankings and make sure that your content keeps visitors engaged.
- understanding the changing rules of rankings. Content is important, but using the proper keywords is important as well. An experienced SEO company understands that creating website content is as much of an art as it is a science. Keyword stuffing, or using a string of keywords repeatedly to drive your website higher in search engine results, is recognized by all major search engines. It is considered bad form and can get your website blacklisted.
- creating a pleasant user experience. Keyword optimization is not the only factor in a website’s search rankings. Factors such as how long visitors stay on your site and how many of your pages they visit have an impact on your rankings as well. Another key factor in search engine rankings is how well your website works on mobile devices. Websites that are optimized for mobile rank higher than similar websites that are not. Ease of navigation within your site and fast loading times are also important factors.
As you can see, a lot goes into a top-performing website. Using a trusted and experienced company, such as Status Labs, to implement your SEO is an important step in developing your business to its full potential. The company can help you manage your website and integrate your social media for a well-rounded user experience.